The 3rd ICOFA and The 1st ICoSHIP 2020

Kamis, 01 Juli 2021

POLIJE secara paralel telah menyelenggarakan seminar internasional “International Conference on Food and Agriculrure” (ICoFA) dengan tema “Development and Improvement of Sustainable Agricultural Practices Toward Environmental and Global Well-beings” secara daring di Gedung Serbaguna Soetrisno Widjaja Polije (7/11). Selain penyelenggaraan ICoFA Polije juga menggelar “International Conference on Social, Humanities and Public Health” (ICoSHIP) untuk pertama kali dengan tema “Tranformation on Humas Behaviour During Covid-19 Outbreak : Challenges for Future and Global Well-Being”.

Download Proceeding ICOFA 2020 klik disini

Download IOP ICoFA 2020 klik disini

Sertifikat peserta klik disini

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